Prada astronautes

Luxury Conquers Space: Prada Dresses the First Woman Astronaut

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Walking on the Moon in Prada? This dream is about to become a reality for the very first female astronaut to set foot on lunar soil! The Italian luxury brand has partnered with the engineering company Axiom Space to create new space suits, unveiled for the first time on October 16 in Milan during a press conference.

These suits will accompany the astronauts of NASA’s Artemis III mission, scheduled for September 2026, in their exploration of the Moon’s South Pole.

A giant leap for humanity, fashion, and women! Decoding a fashion and lunar project that inspires dreams.

The Astronomical Collaboration of Prada and Axiom Space

How do you go from the runways of Fashion Week to the Moon? Quite easily if you possess Prada’s expertise!

The collaboration between Prada and Axiom is based on Axiom’s space expertise and the textile know-how of the luxury brand to create highly technological outfits for astronauts who will have to face the extreme challenges of the Moon — freezing temperatures, intense radiation — while ensuring the safety and freedom of movement of the astronauts.

Beyond the technical aspect, this suit has a historical dimension, as highlighted by Matt Ondler, president of Axiom: “The first woman, the first person of color, and the first non-American on the Moon will wear this suit.” According to Axiom, this collaboration marks a further step in the link between science and art.

The Design of the Suits

The Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU), the full name of this space suit, is a true gem of technology.

It has been designed to withstand the extreme and unpredictable conditions of the lunar South Pole, where the environment is particularly hostile. Thanks to its expertise in materials, manufacturing techniques, and innovative design, Prada has worked hand in hand with Axiom Space to develop this unique suit, capable of protecting astronauts and making it possible, for the first time, for human exploration of this region of the Moon.

Unveiled at the International Astronautical Congress, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the suit is the result of a unique collaboration between international leaders in technology, innovation, and creativity. It is worth noting that this is a significant first for a fashion brand to push innovation so far into the space domain.

If you happen to be in Milan, don’t hesitate to go admire this space suit on display since October 18 in an installation at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. A visit we highly recommend!

Space: The New Luxury Frontier?

If Prada is the first brand to venture into space suit design, it is highly likely that others will follow and want to capitalize on this new market.

Will we see a segment dedicated to space travelers? Probably, but it is equally likely (and more accessible) that brands will focus on another burgeoning market: tech clothing suited to the challenges of climate change.

This collaboration marks a groundbreaking turning point in fashion: the entry of haute couture into the space sector. This may seem historical, and indeed it is! Believe me, this partnership between Prada and Axiom Space is just the beginning, paving the way for a sudden technological advancement in the design, qualities, and technological performance of future clothing.

Throughout history, fashion has redefined our relationship with the body, time, culture, and the environment, and it took a space suit for luxury to soar to the stars.

Image credit: ©Prada/AxiomSpace
