S'affirmer pour être belle à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur !

Assert Yourself to Be Beautiful Inside and Out!

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A good sense of self-esteem is very important nowadays, especially when you are a woman. _Affirming_ yourself as a person in a society that pushes you every day to compare yourself to the models in advertisements, movie stars, and actresses is not healthy. _These women_ who have the luxury, time, and money to invest in obtaining a perfect body, as well as the obligation to do so – ensuring oneself in this world is very complicated and challenging. It is normal to sometimes feel a bit disarmed in the face of so many constraints, when you feel like you don’t resemble anyone trendy, when you have the impression of being out of touch, or when simply, you don’t have the means to buy all the clothes, beauty products, and rejuvenation treatments that you think you need.

However, there are some _fairly simple solutions_ to implement so that, as women, we can reclaim the power of our bodies and looks and free ourselves from our fears and blockages.

You have the power within you to shine, you just need to allow yourself!

_Appearance_ is very important if you want to create your own identity that will be reflected in the direct image you present. And it is not necessarily necessary to spend a fortune on clothes to create a style that reflects who you are. Take advantage of the Black Friday 2022, sales, private sales, and second-hand sales to treat yourself while spending less. _Don’t hesitate_ to mix trends, incorporate new items and second-hand finds. Do not limit yourself to what you think others will think of you; stay focused on your desires that are solely your own.

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Take small risks gradually; it is by stepping out of your comfort zone that you will overcome fears or change the image you project. _One small step_ after another for your beautiful ascent!

Of course, clothing alone does not do everything. It also involves a beautiful haircut (daring or not), makeup chosen specifically for your skin, your face, and not just what you see in magazines. _Enhance_ your imperfections, connect with your flaws (which, I remind you, are very subjective ways of disliking something about yourself but may go unnoticed by others). Your physical uniqueness is being yourself; it is by affirming this uniqueness that you will gain confidence in your seductive power and in your identity. But do it for yourself first and foremost.

Taking care of yourself also means being in tune with your values and prioritizing things that reflect who you are, instead of just trying to fit into a mold. _Fashion may be_ black and white, but if you want an explosion of colors, GO! Don’t wait until you’re too old to regret not having lived for yourself. Nourish your soul and inner world with thoughts that do you good. _Hate_ exercising? Well, find your own way to reconnect with your body by stretching every morning, by observing yourself naked in a mirror without turning away. By valuing yourself as much as you can, with your own means, without falling into a frantic mode that does not suit you.

_Psychology_ and positive visualization: the tools that allow you to become who you want by affirming it out loud. If you don’t believe it yourself, who do you think you’re fooling? You need to realize that it is in your mind that reality begins to manifest, well before taking action. You need to plant the little seed that will grow the change within you, feeling entitled to be beautiful and to feel beautiful on the street is a powerful tool to start giving important information to your mind and unconscious.

_Developing_ your full potential by daring to affirm your choices, which can involve your career, lifestyle, or how you raise your children, or even choosing not to have any, will push you to find your grounding by expressing yourself. Clothing style is a powerful lever that encompasses your entire inner transformation, enriching and magnifying it, but it won’t do everything. You must consciously choose the clothes you wear and accept your body entirely. _You do not hide_ your body with fabric; you support it, love it, and honor it by making it even more beautiful. This mindset will allow you to tap into your unsuspected resources to free yourself from the trap of never feeling good enough by the unhealthy comparison to the smooth and cold bodies in magazines.
