Utilisation de l'huile de CBD en cosmétique

CBD Oil: Much More Than Just Relaxing Benefits!

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Often highlighted for its relaxing properties, CBD oil offers numerous other benefits for your well-being. Rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and also acting as an anti-inflammatory, it can different issues across various fields, from nutrition to cosmetics. Discover how these little drops can support you in your daily life.

Why is hemp the plant of the future?

Although CBD oil has conquered the market in recent years, the use of hemp is nothing new.

Used for millennia in many fields, hemp is making a comeback in our cultures and daily lives after a period of restricted exploitation and distribution. Beyond its many virtues, which we will discuss shortly, the plant is also appreciated for its multiple uses and its eco-friendly and sustainable nature. Cultivated in many French regions, it requires less watering and does not use pesticides. It thus stands as a serious alternative to cotton.

Having the advantage of being fully utilized (leaf and stem), the plant can be used in the making of fibers for construction materials, textiles, publishing, food, and cosmetics.

How does CBD oil benefit the body and mind?

Industrial hemp, which is legally produced and distributed in France, contains a THC level of less than 0.2%. The cannabidiol extracted from it does not have psychotropic effects.

The growing development of CBD oil-based products highlights the numerous virtues of this raw material. Beyond its often-emphasized relaxing and soothing properties, the oil is much more. Extracted from hemp seeds, the oil is rich in essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), proteins, and many vitamins (including vitamin E, which is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, as well as magnesium, which is involved in serotonin production).

Why take CBD oil?
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Offering benefits on various levels, CBD oil can be used in different ways. It can be ingested as a dietary and nutritional supplement, in capsule form or integrated into a recipe. In cosmetics, its moisturizing, firming, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, healing, anti-aging properties, and its ability to boost collagen production are appreciated. It can be included in facial, body, and hair care products, and can also soothe chronic skin conditions. In terms of well-being, it is used for its calming properties, both for the mind and for pains such as PMS-related discomfort. Other components of hemp, CBDa and CBGa, have protective properties, particularly against winter infections.

With varied fields of action, hemp seeds are transformed into different products: CBD oil, spray, and capsules. Various players have emerged in France, like Deli Hemp, whose journey you can discover here, with the aim of offering consumers effective, diverse, certified products designed with natural and organic French agriculture in mind.
