kinesiologie scaled

I tried: kinesiology

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During this vacation, I tried kinesiology. I was in Haute-Savoie, in the mountains between France and Italy, and the opportunity was too perfect to allow myself a little moment just for me with a local kinesiologist.

I have tested many alternative medicine practices, but this one was missing from my experience, and I wanted to wait for the right opportunity to try it.

If you follow our newsletter La lettre by Modalova, you know that to prepare for the September return, I am doing a body and mind reset by taking care of my physical health, but also my mental health. For me, September symbolizes a new beginning, and I take this opportunity to share with you in this article my first experience with kinesiology.

What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic discipline that is part of what is called alternative medicine. It aims to restore the physical, emotional, and energetic balance of the person using muscle testing as the main diagnostic tool. The concept of kinesiology is based on the principle that the body and mind are connected and that the body has a memory that the practitioner will make “speak” during the session. By testing the muscle responses of their patient, the kinesiologist will be able to detect blockages and imbalances that hinder well-being.

Once the practitioner has all the necessary information, they will work with the patient by asking questions (most of the time, but some sessions can just as well occur without words) to rebalance energies and promote the body’s natural healing.

How did my kinesiology session go?

I am, of course, speaking for myself, as this practice is based on the patient’s feelings. Thus, all sessions are different from one another.

I am very sensitive to the environment and ambiance of the place when I want to have a session of alternative medicine. I was therefore delighted to see that this kinesiologist’s office was located in a luxury hotel residence (I didn’t know when booking = pleasant surprise!). The main room was quite intimate, all made of wood, like a renovated sauna.

I had not planned to work on a specific issue; I came to discover the practice. If you are in the same situation, go see a kinesiologist without fear; through the exchanges, you will find a topic that resonates with you.

At the beginning, the kinesiologist asked me questions about my physical and mental state, about my current situation. She looked into major life upheavals such as pregnancies, couple relationships, or certain family stories, but without going into too much detail.

After the exchange, which lasted about 15 minutes, she laid me down on the massage table, explaining what she would do.

How did I experience this first kinesiology session?

The kinesiologist immediately put me at ease and began to “ask questions to my body” based on the muscle stimuli of my right forearm. I really appreciated the respect and intimacy she established with me, as she asks the body for “permission” to explore a theme. She uses books to explain the link between certain pains we may feel and a sentiment (e.g., a guilt we want to silence). In my case, we worked on the notion of learning to better set my boundaries and express them calmly.

What I liked most about the session was the clarity of everything; I felt respected and not obliged to talk about personal issues like one might in therapy.

The session brought me a lot of calm and serenity. I also felt I had a clearer vision of what I could change to feel better.

Sometimes, when leaving a session, one can feel overwhelmed with emotions. That was not the case here, and it was very pleasant.


I really enjoyed this experience, and I would do it again as soon as I have the chance. Among all alternative medicines, I find that kinesiology is perhaps the most accessible to a wide range of people. It is a great tool for feeling better in the present while looking at the past gently and without going through therapy, which requires a significant investment. The kinesiologist comes to question the body’s memory without the psychological aspect that can be intrusive, and it is the patient who remains in control of the information they give and receive.

In short, to conclude, I loved trying kinesiology. You really feel better afterward, and you leave the session with a clear head, feeling like you have a bit more knowledge about yourself to improve your daily life.

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Featured image: ©unsplash /Roberto Nickson
