1 pièce 3 looks : la méthode pour s'habiller facilement

1 piece 3 looks: The Method for Dressing Easily

What am I going to wear today?” Have you ever asked yourself this question? With the plethora of women’s ready-to-wear brands flooding the market, we sometimes wonder what clothes to wear, even when our wardrobe is overflowing! What if we told you that there is a clever, simple, and innovative method to never run out of inspiration in the morning, and even better, to find your style? Stay with us, in this article, we will tell you about the 1 piece 3 looks method, where you can create three outfits from a single garment, easily!

1 piece 3 looks method: what is it?

The 1 piece 3 looks concept consists of choosing a piece from your wardrobe to create three different outfits. You carefully select a garment that you like to wear, a basic or a colorful item that you will somehow accessorize with the rest of your clothes. If it works with three outfits, it also works with 5 or 7 outfits.

This method allows you to create unique outfits that reflect your style and personality from a piece you already own. You no longer have to think about how to dress well, your outfits are prepared and tailored to express your style and personality.

Finally, the 1 piece 3 looks method is also a way to organize your wardrobe. Your outfits are prepared on hangers, your closet is tidy, and your mental load is relieved!

Create 3 outfits from a single piece: top 3 advantages

Advantage number 1: having style

Do you complain about not knowing how to mix and match clothes, not being able to coordinate colors, or even worse, not having any personal style? It is true that knowing how to dress stylishly is an art. And as such, it is no wonder that image coaches exist. But if you are looking for a cost-effective solution to create your own look, one that reflects your personality, you can turn to the 1 piece 3 looks method.

With this styling exercise, you will tap into your creativity and resources. The goal is to choose a key piece from your wardrobe that you will have to create three different looks with. If it seems tedious at first, it turns out to be very fun afterwards. In the end, it’s like a game where you have to find combinations. Logical minds will love this exercise!

Returning to the question of style, the 1 piece 3 looks method is a real opportunity to have fun with codes, colors, and textures to create three tailor-made outfits. Depending on your desires, the occasion, or the activity of the day, you can switch from one style to another, from a casual chic look to a bohemian rock look, with a single piece. The possibilities are endless, and that’s what makes this exercise totally addictive!

Advantage number 2: saving time

It’s 7 a.m., the alarm rings 1x, 2x, 3x… You wake up late, grab the first t-shirt you find and pair it with yesterday’s jeans lying on the floor. The result is that you go to work half-dressed and without any style. If your mornings more or less resemble this scenario, there is a good chance that the 1 piece 3 looks method is for you.

One of the big advantages of creating multiple outfits from a single piece is the time and mental space you save. Clearly, in the morning, we all have other things to do than think about how to mix and match clothes to dress well. The 1 piece 3 looks method makes your life easier. By preparing your outfits, you no longer ask yourself the question “what am I going to wear today?”. Your looks are already planned and created according to your tastes and personality, with the clothes laid out on hangers.

Advantage number 3: decluttering your closet

The last advantage of dressing according to the 1 piece 3 looks method is decluttering.

As explained at the beginning of the article, this way of organizing your wardrobe consists of reusing your clothes to create different combinations. As a result, this process encourages you to be creative with what you already own. No need to run to the nearest store to buy the little top that goes with the skirt you want to wear, you have everything at hand.

Moreover, it forces you to dig into your closet. To create your outfits, you need to have a look at your entire wardrobe, and that’s the best way to declutter!

Finally, in another way, this way of dressing truly invites you to rethink your consumption habits, in a more responsible version. Heavily inspired by the minimalist movement, the 1 piece 3 looks method takes up the foundations of this trendy trend, inviting everyone to reuse rather than succumb to the easy option: buying.

💡Do you want to learn more about minimalist style? Discover 7 things to know about minimalist fashion.

How to create 3 outfits from a single piece? 4 steps to follow

Step 1: identify your style and the occasions for which you wear your clothes

To start, it is important to make a list of clothes you like, feel good in, and that fit your lifestyle. For this, you can ask yourself general questions. They will quickly allow you to identify the style of clothing you tend to adopt.

Here are a few examples:

  • What type of outfit do you wear to work?
  • What are the activities or hobbies you engage in the most?
  • What outfit(s) do you wear for special occasions (going out, parties, weekends, etc.)?
  • What is the climate in your region (it will influence your outfit)?

Also, don’t hesitate to open your wardrobe and sort between the clothes you usually wear and those you don’t. Here, the PARETO law (80/20) applies perfectly. Set aside the pieces that fit you well and that you enjoy wearing. You can reuse them to create your 1 piece 3 looks outfit ideas.

Step 2: select the clothes that will be used to create your outfits

Once you have listed the clothes, it is now time to isolate them. Here’s how:

  • Choose the key piece that will compose your three outfits. It can be any garment or accessory: jeans, jacket, top, shoes, handbag, blouse, dress, cap, etc. You can choose it because it inspires you, because the color stands out (it works very well with a vibrant color like fuchsia pink, orange, neon green), because it’s a basic, etc. The reasons are numerous!
  • Select the other clothes that will accessorize or highlight your key piece. This is where you may need inspiration to find the ideal combination. You can create a vision board via Pinterest, taking inspiration from your favorite fashion influencers.

Step 3: harmonize your outfit with the choice of colors and materials

To make your outfit harmonious, you will need to pay attention to details that clearly make a difference in the overall look.

  • the choice of colors: to choose the right combinations, you can refer to the color wheel and its principles. However, don’t forget that all colors come from nature, and in this context, everything works! So, don’t limit yourself to rules and false beliefs, and follow your intuition!

By the way, the color block trend that we decrypt in our article sums up this idea well.

  • the choice of materials and cuts: the trend is for layering, mix & matching materials, and oversized. So, don’t hesitate to try combinations, even if they seem doubtful at first. A trench coat over palazzo pants, a knit sweater over a leather skirt, a crop top under a shirt, it all works!

1 piece 3 looks concept: concluding thoughts

In summary, the 1 piece 3 looks method is an easy way to dress stylishly because:

  • It encourages you to think about your outfits based on your personality and tastes. As a result, you wear clothes that reflect who you are and that you have taken care to put together.
  • By preparing your outfits in advance, you inevitably save time AND mental space (and space in your closet).
  • Creating your own outfits from a single piece forces you to focus on the essentials and optimize your wardrobe.

👉 Are you looking for outfit ideas to dress differently in your daily life? Have you considered renting clothes? We give you our opinion on this service in our article!
