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How to wear champagne color?

A brief definition of this ultra trendy champagne color for spring-summer to start with… It is a white-yellow, to which either gray or a light pink is added. A true mix between gold and silver, so to speak, this new color, quite basic, can become more flashy when it is available in glitter. This summer, in addition to the pop pink Barbie Girl, you won’t be able to escape it, CHAMPAGNE will be everywhere. From accessories to make-up to evening dresses, let’s take a look at how to wear and style it. I raise a toast, champagne for everyone! 

Princess shoes or nothing

We start off with a bang, with the pair of shoes we’ve all dreamed of, while watching Dirty Dancing, THE pair that makes hearts and feet flutter; and that makes us shine on the dancefloor or by the pool, I’m talking about the open-toe stiletto in its glitter version, here at Bobbies. And of course, in Champagne. Easy to match because it goes with everything and enhances any outfit. We love it with flared light blue jeans for a bold Bel-Gees look, or even with colorful shorts with a white shirt tied like Brigitte Bardot. Glamorous and sexy at will. For an even more “wow” effect, dare to wear a gold ankle chain, fluorescent nail polish on your toes, or even a matching gold belt.

Champagne-colored dresses

The champagne color is also the color of delicacy when it is soft on a silk or cotton dress. Easy to match in this sweet version, any piece, from dresses to tops to flowing pants, will enhance your tan. Champagne is also available on all accessories like a beanie. This color in its soft version brings softness and freshness to your complexion, both in summer and winter.

Champagne and make-up

If you are more into discreet makeup and matte eyeshadow, then move on. Champagne in terms of makeup is rather “reflective”, both during the day and at night. You can either find the champagne shade already ready in the form of glitter or loose powder, like MAC does with its pigments in small pots; or you have palettes available and you mix gold and silver yourself. Apply preferably with a brush on an eyelid previously prepared with an eyeshadow primer. The result is amazing, your eyelid “shines” with this color and the color of your eyes will definitely stand out.

The champagne accessory

If you hadn’t already understood, champagne goes perfectly with its cousins silver and gold, and you will find the combination of these 3 colors on accessories such as minaudières, clutches, and other small bag formats. Simple, effective, and girly, a champagne accessory will affirm your limitless love for fashion, fashion, fashion….

Bold champagne

For those who are not afraid to stand out, you can push the limits of this color to the max, with a total CHAM-PA-GNE look… But be careful not to turn too many heads. The champagne color block is best suited for evenings.

To conclude, elegant and delicate in its original version, the champagne color is certainly one of the most versatile. So versatile that you can also opt for applying nail polish in this color, or even ask your hairdresser to dye your hair with this shade. Don’t be afraid of its glittery version that will make you shine like fireworks and affirm your Night Fever side.
